Fiscal Affairs Ordinances

2012-11 ( An ordinance raising the amount of expenditures the Mayor or his duly authorized representative shall have to purchase supplies, apparatus, equipment, materials and other things requisite for public purpose for the City of Pottsville and to make all necessary contracts for work or labor to be done on material or other necessary things to be furnished for the benefit of the city form $2,000 to $20,000)

81-7 ( An ordinance establishing a procedure for purchasing, sale or exchange of property in compliance with Act No. 28 of 1959, as amended by Act 344 of 1981 ( ark. stat. 19-4421-ark. stat. 19-4430) declaring an emergency and for other purposes)

2010-3 ( An ordinance to determine fixed assets to be $2,500.00)

2012-10 ( An ordinance allowing department heads to make purchases of all supplies, apparatus, equipment, materials and other things requisite for their specific department for the City of Pottsville, Arkansas not to exceed $2,500.00)

2023-5 ( An ordinance to waive the competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of vehicles for the Pottsville Police Department)


2019-3 ( An ordinance waiving competitive bidding for the purchase of replacing self-contained breathing apparatus units authorizing the mayor and city clerk to sign all necessary documents for the purchase of the self-contained breathing apparatus units and for other purposes)

2020-11 ( An ordinance waiving competitive bidding for water tank maintenance services authorizing the mayor to execute a water tank maintenance contract with utility service CO. INC and for other purposes)

2023-14 ( An ordinance setting the city clerks/Treasurer's annual salary at $20,000.00 per year, revoking ordinance No. 2022-6 and for other purposes)

2023-1 ( An ordinance to waive the competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of vehicles for the Pottsville Police Department)